Well, my name's Alicia (but my friends call me Lish....or Sally if you're David). I'm a 17 year old Senior in Ritchie County.
I live in the somewhat rural, somewhat urban area of West Virginia. Ritchie is one of those counties that look like a
Norman Rockwell painting, but has characters you'd only find on Cops or The Real McCoys. There's some nice houses, crappy
houses, torn down buildings that never got the remains cleaned out, and lots and lots of trees and farm-life.
Now I spend most of my time at home or at school. Home's an ok place nothing much else to say. School sucks....but that's
something I gotta put up with in order to do something good with my life. I'm a senior in high school and I plan on going
to Alderson Broaddus for college. I can't wait! I'm on my school's quiz bowl team, drama troupe, and forensics team (it's
tough to juggle the three sometimes, but I manage somehow).

The boys of Something Corporate (from left): Clutch, Andrew McMahon, Brian Ireland, Josh Partington, and
William Tell.